
The Professional

Mindset Business

Lab W/Lisa L. Nobles

Want to Know an Ideal Way to

"ROCK " Your Business!!???

New “Strategic Weapon” Helps Maximize Profits
and Drives Growth in Any Market!!!!!!

The truth is there are no quick fixes, shortcuts, or magical entrepreneurial fairies who can make all your dreams come true. You can make your dreams come true.

You have to, right?

Sales are harder to get than ever before...after all, you're not just competing with local mom-and-pop shops. You've got brick-and-mortars, internet retailers, and even global competitors who can easily undercut your pricing.

But it’s not just the insane amount of competition you face.

It's also It is also attracting the ideal customer base.

There are so many different businesses competing for their attention, it can be challenging to stand out. And it has only gotten harder over the years. In 2000, your prospect had an attention span of 12 seconds. Today that number is 7 seconds.

A goldfish has a longer attention span!

These challenges explain why 50% of businesses fail in their first five years of existence.

So, how do you sell huge quantities of stuff to goldfish in the most competitive market ever??


...Before I answer that, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I am Lisa Nobles and my goal is to share evidence-based learning through mindset development, leadership training, and team building activities that will activate, motivate and inspire brand owners aimed at unlocking the performance potential of their teams and businesses.

Given the huge returns for businesses harnessing the potential of their workforce and enhancing customer satisfaction, retention, and employee happiness, my motivation comes from seeing positive progress in people's lives - true fulfillment and creating a positive ripple effect via the snowball metaphor where one person makes it better for someone else by then reaching out to help another!

It's my pleasure in seeing the benefits increase exponentially through this process which gives me the satisfaction of knowing I have achieved what I set out to achieve. Let’s stay connected through my public social medial channels.

That's why I urge you to read this entire letter all the way to the end--what I'm about to tell you could fast-tract your sales, put more money in your pocket, and ultimately, change the future of your life and your business….


The #1 Skill that Leads to Business Success…..

In the years I've spent developing multi-million-dollar businesses, I've learned that effective marketing is what sets high-performing businesses and dream chasers apart from their competitors. PERIOD….

Success isn't about flashy websites, quality, or even a well-organized corporate structure.

While all those things can certainly help, without effective sales copy, they're just a waste of time, money, and effort. After all, you can have the most amazing product in the world, but if you can't convince people of its value, your sales will tank.

Amazing sales copy, on the other hand, can sell just about anything.

Take BluBlocker sunglasses--while their ability to block blue rays makes them unique, that doesn't account for their ridiculously high sales. That worldwide phenomenon can be attributed to legendary copywriter, Joe Sugarman, whose BluBlocker's copy was responsible for those sales—20 million pairs of BluBlockers to be exact. Clearly, great copywriting can lead to a BIG BOOST in sales.

But where do you get Clearly, great marketing methods and have a great business skill set that can lead to a BIG BOOST in sales??

Hi, I'm Lisa Nobles, a seasoned leadership mentor. Boost your brand image and magnetize new clients with her scientifically supported strategies. Stay in the loop on her digital platforms for vital business insights. Be part of the #growthmindset tribe to soar to success.


Well, if you're like most aspiring entrepreneurs, you've probably turned to a business building expert….

Unfortunately, you can usually run into one of the following problems:

You may not recreate their exact results.

While they exceed, that does not mean their amazing product can create the perfect business model for your unique brand and needs that make your product fly off the shelves. Designing or maintaining a successful business is about so much more than merely stringing concepts together. It requires an understanding of consumer psychology which 95% of people who claim to be business owners just don't have. And that is okay. Right?

With understanding business planning, you may lack the best knowledge for your specific niche.

Nobody knows your product better than you do. Nobody. While others may get an overall understanding of your product, they'll never know the ins and outs of it as well as you do. Meaning they can't promote it as well as you'd like.



Most marketing agencies aren't cheap. The “inexpensive” ones charge $2,000 for one sales letter. The great copywriters charge $15,000 and up. While that may be worth it to you for a high-converting letter, copywriting doesn't come with guarantees. You don't want to invest that much money into sales copy that doesn't sell.

Where does that leave you? Feeling frustrated about the time and money you're wasting on developing the perfect product that doesn't sell enough......

Of course, you could always learn how to maintain and build a sustainable business yourself. You know, purchase business books scope out tips online from business greats, maybe enroll in some type of boot camp course.... :O)...

However, that comes with its own set of problems:


As an entrepreneur, your time is probably stretched thin enough as it is. Do you really have weeks, months, YEARS, to devote to becoming a great business expert? Probably not. Worse still, every minute you spend honing your business-building skills is time away from your primary job—running, creating, or restructuring your business.


Running and maintaining a business isn't something you can read about and instantly become great at. It takes practice and LOTS of it to really get it down. And by “practice,” I don't just mean sitting down and writing a sales letter to yourself. You need to write and practice and execute continuously and THEN put it out into the world and see if anyone acts on it.

The process involves a lot of trial and error, and it takes years to really develop a knack for it. Of course, during those years, you're spending lots of time and money while you try to figure out what works and what doesn't—talk about inefficiency.


It's depressing because up until now, you've only had two options:

  1. Realizing your truth: The truth is there are no quick fixes, shortcuts, or magical entrepreneurial fairies who can make all your dreams come true.
  2. It's probably best to go at it alone: You can create a sustainable business plan and execute that plan to prevent being stressed out, overworked, and overwhelmed.

There's never been a great business option-—an affordable one that creates efficient business guidance and success, right? Mindset.

Introducing The Professional Mindset: Business 101

The Professional Mindset: Business 101 is a one-of-a-kind business training that utilizes simple and effective business tools and techniques to aid students ranging from start-ups to the intermediate levels of their business journey.

Fortunately, I've got a solution that does precisely that.

Even if:

  • You're not a business expert

  • You're selling services, not products

  • You're in a unique niche


The truth is, there are five things you must put in place as you make that move towards being a successful business owner. The Professional Mindset: Business 101 is going to show you exactly how you can ensure that you have built a solid business foundation....

In minutes, you can download my free marketing guide: The PMBL Business Marketing Guide where you will discover the secrets of business marketing that shares quick & easy ways to enjoy more simple and effective business techniques," that will motivate you to act so you can sell mad amounts of stuff.

See, to aid in amazing results with The Professional Mindset: Business 101 my “FREE” marketing guide: The PMBL Business Marketing Guide also shares applicable business techniques no matter your niche.

You can do this.

Imagine what it would be like to create super-effective premium products and or services..

...help you get a feel for your market wants and needs in as little as a few clicks of your laptop!

...easily attract new highly motivated customers who want what you're selling.

... helps you to quit worrying about what your competitors are doing.

...lessens the waste of money on business products each time you need a new ad, email, or landing page.

...leaves you with more money in the bank to afford those high-end items you've been dreaming of.

You can easily accomplish all these things with

The Professional Mindset: Business 101.


The Professional Mindset: Business 101

Creates Ridiculously Effective Result Using Proven High-Converting Business Strategies

There are the business legends who've mastered the art of selling to "goldfish" in today's tough market. However, at $25,000 a pop for just one of their approaches, these guys are way too expensive for most of us to hire. Fortunately, you don't have to. The Professional Mindset: Business 101 uses similar practices and sales formulas they use so you can sell like crazy without hiring one of them....

Want prospects to be so intrigued by your headline they READ your ad? Just try one of the scientific methods such as how to master the art of Creating premium Products and Services – to get a feel for your market needs and wants in as little as a few clicks of your laptop!

Need a six-figure business plan that will make prospects BUY? Discover the effortless path to the quick and easy way to prepare for a stress-free business launch!

The truth is, with The Professional Mindset: Business 101, there are five things you must put in place as you make that move or continue your path toward being a successful business owner. I am going to show you exactly how you can ensure that you have built a solid business foundation. Do this right, and you'll significantly increase your success rate as an entrepreneur.

If You Can Put Your Dream into Action, You Can Create and or maintain an Amazing Business with

The Professional Mindset: Business 101!!

Because your time is limited, you need a great business option–an affordable, easy-to-use solution that's quick and easy to use. The Professional Mindset shares why it is NOT your fault if you have had bad marketing results–and what you can do starting today to ensure that you have built a solid business foundation (no matter what your skill level).

You don't need to know anything about writing the perfect business plan. You will discover the effortless path to ensuring that everything is in place prior to starting or maintaining your business. You don't need to understand consumer psychology and motivation. You don't even need to have a wealth of business experience. Anyone can create a ridiculously effective business plan in a matter of days with just 5 simple steps:

  • Discovering the passion for your business.

  • Getting a realistic grasp of your business idea viability.

  • Creating and building a strong structural foundation.

  • Preparing a well-researched business idea that stands out.

  • Creating and developing an active network.

The Professional Mindset: Business 101

is a Bargain!!

When you consider everything, you get with The Professional Mindset: Business 101...

...The Professional Mindset: Business 101 is an incredible value

If you had to pay a business expert to set up the high-converting business that you will get with The Professional Mindset: Business 101, it would cost more than $10,000–and that's just for an average expert. If you wanted to hire a top business expert, that figure would be $50,000. At least. The Professional Mindset: Business 101 gets the same amazing sales results that top business experts do and costs a fraction of what they charge.

Special Bonus

  1. Tony Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within Audio Book
  2. Jen Sincero's Bada** Habits Audio Book [Parts 1-5]
  3. Robert T. Kiyosaki's Before You Quit Your Job Ebook

The Professional Mindset: Business 101,

Your Secret Weapon to Providing Solutions and Super-Charge Your Sales.

You risk losing prospects if the execution of your plan doesn't hit the mark. That's why you need highly effective, compelling business tools that inspire leads to action throughout the entire sales funnel. The Professional Mindset does that. It's one of the most comprehensive flexible business programs you can buy, providing high-converting techniques for your entire business plan so you can turn your prospects into repeat customers.

Just click on the link above and below to purchase The Professional Mindset: Business 101, and you'll be taken to my secure checkout page where you can pay with Visa, AMEX, or PayPal, and others. During the checkout process, you'll be prompted to create a user ID and Password for The Professional Mindset: Business 101. Once your purchase is complete, you can log on to The Professional Mindset: Business 101 website and begin learning immediately!


Even after everything you're read about The Professional Mindset: Business 101, you may still be on the fence.

At this point, you can go in 1 of 2 directions.

One, you can try The Professional Mindset: Business 101 for just $500.

Bonus: Pre-scheduled instructor office hours

· Certificate of completion

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· Downloadable resources

· Access on mobile and TV

These tools have been proven to help you organize, plan, and launch your business like crazy-even if you're not a business expert. The Professional Mindset: Business 101 is the easiest way to immediately turbo-boost your sales! It's also super-affordable. Use just one business tip, and the course will have paid for itself.

Secondly, you can ignore this offer and continue…

• being stressed and burned out.

• overworked and frustrated.

• worrying about your competitors and whether they're gaining on you.

• wondering what you need to do to really attract your ideal customer so you feel confident your business will make it.

• feeling overwhelmed which is no way to ROCK your dream business when you are capable of so much more......

The choice is clear.

The Professional Mindset: Business 101, for a limited time, is an incredible

Regular Price of $500 today ($5000 value)

+ All of my Business Hacks worth over $2,726.00 in Gifts

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The Professional Mindset: Business 101...

-Lisa Nobles

P.S. Remember You Are Just One Key Away From Business Success

Lisa Nobles Reviews

The Professionals Are Talking:


By taking advantage of these proven strategies, you'll enjoy a steady stream of website traffic!

You can create and or maintain a fantastic business with

The Professional Mindset: Business 101.

You don't need:

...to know anything about writing the perfect business plan. You will discover the effortless path to ensuring that everything is in place before starting or maintaining your business. You don't even need to have a wealth of business experience. Which is found in Module one of The Professional Mindset: Business 101 e-course.

Because your time is limited.

...The Professional Mindset: Business 101 is not comprised of complex systems and processes. You will leave knowing what you can do starting today to ensure that you have built a solid business foundation which is found on page three of my FREE PMBL Digital Business Marketing Guide.

With this certificate earned, self-paced e-course,

In exchange for your $500, you'll gain immediate access to:

Professional Mindset: Business 101 Syllabus

  • Module One: How to Create, Build, and Live Your Entrepreneurial Dream Life.

  • 1.0 Module one introductory course slides.

  • 1.1 Making sure your business idea sustains you.

  • 1.2 What makes a powerful business idea?

  • 1.3 Is it the right time to begin my business?

  • 1.4 Module one checklist

  • 1.5 Module one take-action activity.

  • Module Two: Creating the Best Structure For Your Business.

  • 2.0 Module two introductory course slides.

  • 2.1 Getting ready for startup.

  • 2.2 Setting up your business banking

  • 2.3 Getting your EIN

  • 2.4 Preparing your business plan

  • 2.5 Office equipment and essentials

  • 2.6 Module two checklist

  • 2.7 Module two take-action activity

  • Module Three: Creating Your Unique Mix of Money-Making Strategies

  • 3.0 Module three introductory course slides

  • 3.1 Attracting with quality

  • 3.2 How do you find your ideal client

  • 3.3 Ensuring that your business idea is solid

  • 3.4 How does a sustainable business appear

  • 3.5 Fill in the gaps of your business with knowledge

  • 3.6 Module three checklist

  • 3.7 Module three take-action activity

  • Module Four: From Dream to Reality, You NOW Have a Plan.

  • 4.0 Module four introductory course slides

  • 4.1 Planning for business growth.

  • 4.2 Developing business consistency

  • 4.3 Business automation

  • 4.4 Your business outsourcing

  • 4.5 Getting the word out

  • 4.6 Making time for you

  • 4.7 Module four checklist

  • 4.8 Module four take-action activity


  • Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • You should be able to use any electronic device.

  • You should focus on building fundamental business practices

  • You should know the basics of how to use any social media technology

  • You should be able to use a P.C. or any electronic device at beginner level


  • Who are my ideal students?

  • The visionaries and idealistic

  • Business owners, business professionals, and dream-chasers

The Professional Mindset: Business 101.

Your Secret Weapon to Providing Solutions and Super-Charge Your Sales.

The Secret is Simple...

20% of Your Action Creates 80% of Your Results.

You Have the Power to Change Your Situation !!

Please visit my Frequently Asked Questions Page Here:


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To get instant access to The Professional Mindset: Business 101, just fill out the form below when it appears. After your purchase is complete, you'll be given access to our Private Members Area where the entire course and all the bonuses will be instantly available. I'll see you inside!

The Professional Mindset: Busines 101

Why could you be great? Because Your Dream is More Thank Pen and Paper: "It is a Way of Life."